
LIFE// New Years Resolutions

It's a whole new year and as such people everywhere are laying out aspirations for it. They might go unfulfilled and that's absolutely fine but it's still nice to think of some. Anyway if you didn't what would you have to be depressed about next New Year. Here's mine:

1. Commit more to blogging

I spent a lot of time in the past month putting together an editorial calendar for 2013 to help me with a posting schedule and I actually a had a whole bunch of holiday posts lined up and infinite time to make them happen since I'm off work and college at the moment and I still didn't manage to make it happen. This is something I wanna change starting yesterday. Infact I'll hopefully be posting an outfit post later.

2. Continue to establish a Personal Style

This is something everyone might want to think about, as we get older we form solid opinions on what we like and don't like and that's all a part of growing up. This year I want to embrace that and develop my own style, it's all well and good to follow trends but you've gotta make it work for you not the other way around. You all know what I'm talking about, you've all seen em, that slightly, ermm let's say chubby guy trying to cram his ass into the tightest jeans he can (been there) for what he thinks is fashionable and yeah it ain't pretty.

3. Not expect too much out of myself

Now, this might seem a little backward but it isn't, my biggest problem is that I'm not 100% perfect 100% of the time and as soon as I slip I feel like there isn't any point in trying (hence the dusty treadmill I haven't used since a lazy day back in september) but who the F is! Don't let it get to you!

Disclaimer: (if this post comes across weird it's probably because I wrote it 6 in the morning after a sleepless night) but if it comes across totes inspirational then that's just because I'm talented

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