View from the top of the Rockefeller Centre |
I personally felt that the view from the top of the Rockefeller Centre is better for taking photos because the fence is glass so it's less of an obstruction.
Me and my friends in Grand Central Station. Lets play spot the moody friend. |
This was taken just after we landed, we went straight to grand central station, I'm not sure why. You can see my airport outfit here (but not really) I forgot to take any outfit photos on the trip. I'm wearing a Black Topman Shirt, a Black Zara Jumper, Black Skinny Jeans, a Black Suede and shearling lined jacket and Black Nike Air Max 1s.
The Clothes I bought |
It was really an accident that I came across the MMM Collection at H&M, I only went there to waste time whilst some of my friends shopped for make-up and there it was, surprisingly well stocked and devoid of shoppers, I tried on the Jacket that was in my Top 3 picks post but they didn't have my size and most of money was spent at this point anyway, unfortunately they didn't have the Satin Top but I managed to snag the Confetti Shirt. The three jumpers are from American Apparel which is much cheaper in America for obvious reasons, I had needed a new fisherman's pullover after I accidentally tumble-dried my grey one and the red/orange (I may be color blind) one reminds me of a jumper I had admired from Acne and the jacket is from Levi's and reminds me of some of the jackets from T by Alexander Wang.
I just yesterday returned from a long anticipated trip to New York, I had originally meant to have gone roughly a month ago but was delayed along with thousands of others by Hurricane Sandy. Strangely despite the fact that the hurricane landed such a short time ago it's effects were nearly entirely unnoticeable, other than one part of the subway being out of use.
Without sounding ungrateful I was a little too busy with all the touristy parts of going to New York to get much shopping done which is why you might think that six items Isn't much for five days in what many consider the shopping capital of the world, but if you've been before you might understand why. I didn't even get much chance to take photos, it was THAT busy, the trip was 5 days long but was over before I knew it